Avalon Beach Photography

Photo Album

VolumeNumber of Photos 
Avalon Aerial Snow Pics
Pictures that Rick Shelley took with his drone after our once in a lifetime snow event on 21-22 Feb 2025.
5 Photos
Annual Meeting Dinner 2023 - Ocean Club
It was a great night and great dinner with many of Avalon Beach members. A good time was had by all talking and visiting with friends.
10 Photos
Jim Friedel Makes A Hole-In-One
On Aug 20, 2021 Jim Friedel one of our community golfers made a hole-in-one on the 7th hole at Baytowne Wharf golf course.

Congratulations Jim! - Be sure to have that ball mounted and displayed.
1 Photos
Avalon Ice Cream Social
Everyone had a grand time at the Ice Cream Social. Many thanks to our organizer and host Tory Bradley and all those who helped. Also a thanks to Susie Leavell for taking the photos
35 Photos
Dune Walkover Completion Photos
This is a set of pictures of the completed Dune Walkover taken by Mark Beldon
43 Photos
Dune Walkover Rebuild
Here are some pictures of the progress of the Dune Walkover Rebuild. Will try and post new pictures every day or so.

4/21/21 - Sand fencing and shoe racks are in and work on the seating area is underway
39 Photos
First Pickleball Game
The new Pickleball court got its first action. A group consisting of Mike Arnholtz, Bob Faber, Jim Friedel, Joey Wilcoxon, Bob Westman and Edie Marks gave the new court a good workout. For more information about playing pickleball, contact Mike Arnholtz at marnholtz@gmail.com

4 Photos
Bill Long Makes A Hole-In-One
Bill Long has waited a long time and probably played a few thousands rounds of golf, but on Monday July 13th Bill made a hole-in-one on the 11th hole at Baytowne Golf Club in Sandestin.

CONGRATULATIONS Bill – Now that you have done it once, I’m sure you can do it again.

1 Photos
Bruce Weekley's Retirement Party
Bruce finally pulled the plug and retired. Many there to wish him well. Lots of good food and fun.
23 Photos
Avalon Golf Outing 2019
The 4th Annual Avalon Golf Outing was a great time and on a day that was perfect for golf.
The Players were:
Group 1 – Dick and Edie Marks, Mark Buckson, Al Appling.
Group 2 – Mike Bourne, Bill Long, Bob Westman, Charles Stults.
Group 3 – Brian Jonland, Bob Jack, Bud Epps, Mike Brewer.

Group 2 won the event and received $15 per player.
Bud Epps and Bob Westman were closest to the pin and each won 4 free rounds of golf.
2 $25 gift cards for The Marlin Grill were awarded to Edie Marks and Mark Buckson
22 Photos
Skip's Photography Trip West - Day 7
It's been a great photography trip, but alas it is the last photography day. These pictures are from an area called 9 Mile Canyon, Utah. However, the canyon is some forty miles long. Originally a trail built by the Buffalo Soldiers to erect a telegraph line back in the late 1800s. Archeologists believe the canyon has been inhabited for some 8000 years.
9 Photos
Skip's Photography Trip West - Day 6
OK, Monument Valley was a great experience. I booked a tour (Highly recommended)and saw much of the Valley that you can't access in your own car. The pictures speak for themselves. Our guide told us there about 9 Navajo families who live in the valley with no running water or electricity. They bring water in and use kerosene lamps at night. Anybody want to join them?
13 Photos
Skip's Photography Trip West - Day 5
Drove from Prescott Valley AZ up through the mountains through Jerome AZ (an old copper mining town about 5000 feet up the side of a mountain), then through the Red Rock area of Sedona AZ. Will be doing a guided tour of Monument Valley tomorrow. I put a teaser picture at the end.
6 Photos
Skip's Photography Trip West - Day 4
More Saguaros from Saguaro National Park West. The shape, sizes, and backdrops were a little different. An amazing place for sure.
7 Photos
Skip's Photography Trip West - Day 3
Not much today. Met up with college classmate and his wife and spent the day catching up. They did take me to an old Spanish Mission called Tumacacori south of Tucson near the Mexican border which I did get a few pictures of.
6 Photos
Skip's Photography Trip West - Day 2
All of these are from the Saguaro National Park East in Tucson, AZ
8 Photos
Skip's Photography Trip West - Day 1
Here are a few from the Alpine/Fort Davis TX area. Typical of scenery in the area. Did manage to catch a few Big Horn sheep on a hillside.
5 Photos
Avalon Golf Outing 2018
The annual Avalon Beach Golf Outing was a great success. Everyone had a great time. Prizes ranged from 4 free rounds of golf (Mark Buckson), a brand new sand wedge (Steve Davis), restaurant gift certificates, exercise facility gift certificates, several dozen golf balls and many more. Thanks to Brian Jonland for all the work setting up the outing, well done.

31 Photos
Observing the 2017 Eclipse of the Sun
A group of Avalon residents don their "sun" glasses to observe the August 2017 eclipse of the sun.
7 Photos
Avalon Golf Outing 2017
The second annual Avalon Beach Estates golf outing took place on Saturday 15 April at Baytowne Golf Club. Don't know about the scores, but looks like everyone had a great time.
28 Photos
Yard of the Month
20 Photos
Beach Clean-Up
Thanks to all the volunteers who helped with the after the 4th of July beach clean-up:

Sally Gaskin
Bob Gaskin
Betty Chambers
Sonya Grant
Bob Faber
Donna Arnholtz
Debbie Blount
Holly Daniels
Mike Daniels
John Bundscho
Andrea Moody and Daughters
14 Photos
Avalon Golf Outing
1st Annual Golf Outing April 1, 2016
29 Photos
Avalon Party at PF Changs
5 Photos
Avalon Christmas Decorations 2015
12 Photos
Canyonlands - South
On his way to Utah to see his new grandson, Skip stopped off at the southern portion of Canyonlands National Park. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and the scenery was fantastic.
8 Photos
Winter 2014
3 Photos
Beach Sweep 2014
Thanks to all that helped with the beach clean up on Saturday 5 July. The participants were:

Sally Gaskin (Organizer)
Bonnie Pleggenkuhle
Stan Stanley
Bob Faber
Rhonda Long
Vince Smith
Shannon Sederman
Carolyn Felder
Michele Lawson
Mike Bourne
Al Appling
Lisa Chandler
Ken Moody
Dick Sinclair and Family:
Son - David
Daughter-in-law - Dina
Grandson - Charlie
and grandson Matthew Lauderdale

A special thanks goes to Jeff Tanner who showed up near dawn and did a great job gathering up the discarded fireworks.

12 Photos
New Pool Furniture
The new pool furniture was placed at the pool and is ready for the Summer season. Many thanks to all who helped unbox, unwrap, and place the furniture. Stan Stanley, Stephanie and Daniel Benefield, Mike and Donna Arnholtz, Stephen Davis, Bob Faber, and Jim McDaniel
10 Photos
Arches National Park - Moab Utah
On our way back from Salt Lake City we stopped by Arches National Park. It was a clear, sunny day but there was still some snow on the ground. It made for some great pictures.

Skip & Jean
11 Photos
2013 Boggy Bayou Mullet Festival
Bob & Sally Gaskin take in their first Mullet Festival at Boggy Bayou Oct 20, 2013. Great Singing By Vince Gill Country Music's famous award winner. The Mullet is about the skinniest fish you ever saw.
4 Photos
Pool Party October 19th 2013
The Last Pool Party of the Year as residents gather round for some good chili and soups
5 Photos
Beach Clean-Up
Annual beach clean-up after the 4th of July
8 Photos
Christmas Dinner Party 2012
4 Photos
Skip & Jean's Trip West
40 Photos
Flowers of Avalon Beach
Orchids by Bonnie Pleggenkuhle and Carol Stanley
8 Photos
Rosie Haugen
1 Photos
Dune Restoration Phase I
10 Photos
October Pool Party
7 Photos
Avalon Astronomy
3 Photos
Bill Stuck's Long Bow
9 Photos
Tropical Storm Isaac
6 Photos
Beehive Removal
7 Photos
Avalon Green Thumb Gals
4 Photos
Friends and Family
5 Photos
Around Avalon
41 Photos
The Beach Scene
9 Photos
4 Photos
Party Photos
7 Photos
Storms - Before and After
5 Photos
Scenic Photos
7 Photos
Skip's Bird Photos
35 Photos
1 Photos