Stormwater Management

When Avalon Beach Estates was approved by Walton County for development, a stormwater management plan was required to show how storm water runoff would be managed. 
This stormwater management requires that every raindrop must be managed; either by striking natural soil and soaking into it immediately, or being stored safely in drainage swales for slow percolation.  Unmanaged raindrops become flood water.  See the attached engineer report by clicking on the link below for a detailed explanation of how the stormwater management system was developed for Avalon Beach Estates. 
This engineering report specifies the maximum amount of “covered surface” (called impervious surface) that can exist and still allow the stormwater management system to be effective.  With the swale system in place stormwater runoff can be controlled, but with the addition of patios, the widening of driveways etc. resulting in less natural soil available and not maintaining the swales, there is a significantly higher chance of flooding.
While our swales retain a significant amount of water for our protection, they have a limit.  For them to be effective, our subdivision must not exceed the impervious surface area for which they were designed to compensate.