Security Incidents

July 22, 2024

On the night of Monday the 22nd of July we had a car break-in/vandalism incident at a home on the North end of the Avalon subdivision.  The passenger side window was smashed in, but nothing was stolen.  We haven't had anything like this for some time, however we all need to stay vigilant and if observed, report any unusual persons or activity.


April 2, 2019

Last night, April 2nd, at about 9 pm the Avalon Security Patrol confronted four individuals that were going up into driveways here in Avalon Beach Estates.  They were not staying here and when confronted, they ran away.  With the tourist season upon us it is very important that we all stay vigilant.  Any vehicles parked in driveways should be locked and garaged doors closed.

March 6, 2015

We had another recent incident involving a car left outside of a garage, parked in a driveway. The car was locked but thieves broke into the front driver side window and stole valuable items.  Even though the alarm went off and the police responded quickly, the theives were not caught. Again, if you can, put your car in a closed garage for the night and do not leave valuable items in it if left outside.

February 21, 2015

The Walton County Sherrif's Office recently arrested a man who may have committed three residential burglaries in Miramar Beach and Santa Rosa Beach.  In all 3 cases, the residents were home and asleep, when the burglar entered their residence and took wallets, purses and other valuable items. Moreover, in every case, the resident's garage doors were left open with the garage door to the home's interior unlocked

An alledged burglar, 20 year old Robert William Woods, was caught by a DNA match to blood he left at one of the burglaries in Miramar Beach. No evidence ties Woods to the other burglaries even though the MO was the same in all three cases.

For us in Avalon Beach to be safe from such incidents there are three lessons we can learn from these burglaries (1) Close your garage (2) Lock the internal garage door to the home (3) Lock ALL other doors.

December 20, 2014

An owner in Paginet had parked her car in her driveway and left some Charistmas presents in the car with the car unlocked.  She later discovered that someone had taken the presents from her unlocked car.  We tend to have many such incidents during the summer season, but don't assume you are safe just because we are in the colder months.  Sheriff was called. Advice still holds, don't leave valuables in your unlocked car.  Good chance they won't be there when you go for them.

MAY 2014

An owner on Avalon Blvd reported that money was stolen from their car early this morning   In this case the car was outside and unlocked. Leaving valuables in unlocked cars at night would not be a good thing.  There have been numerous incidents where unlocked cars containing valuables were robbed of them.  First, try to avoid leaving valuable items in your cars left outside, especially overnight. Second, if you are going to do so, at least lock the car.    May 9th 2014.


Two incidents of "fence Jumping' occurred during the April portion of Spring Break.  Students jumped the fence in the rear of  470 Avalon Boulevard and entered our Neighborhood.  Entry was made from the trailer park on the other side of the fence.  Another Fence Incident occurred at 296 Avalon Boulevard.  The resident was on the deck of her swimming pool in the rear of her home, when a man jumped her fence, again from the trailer park on the other side of the fence.  The resident called out to the intruder and he immediately jumped back across the fence.  On another occasion, a young young white male was seen walking around Alcolon Cove going between homes until he was encouraged to leave by residents.  The key is for residents to call the Sheriff and report the incident in as much detail as possible to encourage the Sheriff's patrols to make more frequent trips throughout our neighborhood.  If we don't call and report these incidents, we won't get the increased patrol activity form the Sheriff we need. If you have your camera or smartphone with camera, take a picture of the intruder or incident if you can. Finally, a resident on Sagris Cove had someone knock on the front door around 3:30 AM.  There was no one at the door when the resident answered.  We have had these incidents before, so be aware and if you happen to be awake and around in the wee morning hours and notice someone around the front of homes, make a call to the Sheriff without delay. Do not try to stop anyone yourself.

MAY 28-29 2012

A truck parked behind a residence on Paginet was broken into this past weekend and reportedly a firearm and iPad were stolen.  No more details are known.  If you see suspicious activity report it promptly.  The number for the Sheriffs office is 850 267-2000.  Keep house lights on and turn on all security systems.

APRIL 10 2012
We recently had another security incident at a house on Alcolon Cove.  A women in a bronze Lincoln Navigator was seen in the driveway at 54 Alcolon Cove at about 11 pm.  A neighbor saw the woman walking around the house and then followed the woman as she left the subdivision and returned to a neighboring subdivision.  This morning the neighbor discovered that a cushion to an expensive chaise lounge was missing from her backyard.  Suspecting the woman from the night before, the neighbor called the Sheriff and met with a deputy at the suspect woman’s house.  A confrontation developed between the Sheriff’s deputy and the suspect woman resulting in the woman being arrested for assault on the deputy.   All owners are urged to be vigilant, and if they see something like this immediately call the Walton County Sheriff at 850 267-2000

MARCH 12TH 2012
There were two incidents on March 12, here in Avalon Beach Estates that show that our Neighborhood Watch Program is working.
1.  late in the afternoon of March 12th, a man, who was rather poorly dressed and carrying what appeared to be an empty plastic gallon jug, crossed into our neighborhood from Maravilla.  He began roaming the neighborhood, going to people out in their yards asking for some gasoline.  He had a long story about his car running out of gas, but he was most likely canvassing the neighborhood for vacant houses.
2. That evening, March 12, a resident who lives along Avalon Boulevard heard the distinct sound of grass breaking from the house across the street which he knew to be unoccupied.  He immediately called 911 and reported the incident.  A Walton County sheriff's deputy arrived shortly and determined that there was an attempted break in at approximately 8:30PM.  The intruder had broken a window but did not gain entry.
If you have an alarm system we highly encourage you to set it each time you leave your house.  If you are a part time resident, again, insure your alarm system is set to protect your home in Avalon during your absence.