ARB Procedures

Architectural Review Board

The scope of the Architectural Review Board (ARB) is to review and approve all new construction, to include landscaping, and all modifications to existing construction/landscaping  as spelled out in the Avalon Beach Estates Declaration of Covenants (Article VI thru VIII) and the Rules & Regulations (Articles I thru IV).  Copies of all association governing documents are located under the tab Administration above.

When is review/approval by the ARB required:
  1. For any new construction or major modification to existing property such as a room, porch, pool, etc.
  2. For any exterior modifications to existing construction/landscaping.  As a “Rule of Thumb”,  if the changes that are desired can be seen from the street, then contact with the ARB is required before changes are made.
Contact with the ARB can range from complete architectural/landscaping plans for new
construction to a simple request for repainting or modification of existing landscaping.
  1. New Construction/Major Modification:
    1. For any new construction or major modification/addition to existing construction (such as a room or pool etc.), a full set of plans/drawings to include landscaping, elevation renderings, etc. is required to include a cover letter with name, address, contact information, and a description of the desired construction/modification.  A sample Request Form/Cover Letter can be found at the link below.  This type a construction also requires a deposit of $2500 against damages to neighboring/association property during construction.
    2. Once the construction/modification package is prepared, it needs to be presented to the ARB.  You can make arrangements to do this by contacting the Chairman of the ARB (See contact information below).
    3. The ARB has 30 days to render a decision on a request, so be sure to submit your request as early as possible prior to the desired start date for your project.
    4. A Builders Checklist is located “Here” to help in the planning of your construction/modification.
  2. Other Modifications/Requests:
    1. For those modifications/requests that are less in scope to that above, a simple letter/email to the ARB may suffice.  You can use the Sample Request Form link below for the information that’s required.
    2. For that or any questions about ARB requirements, the ARB can be contacted at the email link below.

CLICK "HERE" For a DOCX Word File
ARB Members:
Chairman:  Mark Beldon

Teri Davis
Randell Wright
Jamie Day