ARB ProceduresArchitectural Review Board Requirements/Procedures The scope of the Architectural Review Board (ARB) is to review and approve all new construction, to include landscaping, and all modifications to existing construction/landscaping as spelled out in the Avalon Beach Estates Declaration of Covenants (Article VI thru VIII) and the Rules & Regulations (Articles I thru IV). Copies of all association governing documents are located under the tab Administration above.
When is review/approval by the ARB required:- For any new construction or major modification to existing property such as a room, porch, pool, etc.
- For any exterior modifications to existing construction/landscaping. As a “Rule of Thumb”, if the changes that are desired can be seen from the street, then contact with the ARB is required before changes are made.
Procedures: Contact with the ARB can range from complete architectural/landscaping plans for new construction to a simple request for repainting or modification of existing landscaping. - New Construction/Major Modification:
- For any new construction or major modification/addition to existing construction (such as a room or pool etc.), a full set of plans/drawings to include landscaping, elevation renderings, etc. is required to include a cover letter with name, address, contact information, and a description of the desired construction/modification. A sample Request Form/Cover Letter can be found at the link below. This type a construction also requires a deposit of $2500 against damages to neighboring/association property during construction.
- Once the construction/modification package is prepared, it needs to be presented to the ARB. You can make arrangements to do this by contacting the Chairman of the ARB (See contact information below).
- The ARB has 30 days to render a decision on a request, so be sure to submit your request as early as possible prior to the desired start date for your project.
- A Builders Checklist is located “Here” to help in the planning of your construction/modification.
- Other Modifications/Requests:
- For those modifications/requests that are less in scope to that above, a simple letter/email to the ARB may suffice. You can use the Sample Request Form link below for the information that’s required.
- For that or any questions about ARB requirements, the ARB can be contacted at the email link below.
TO CONTACT THE ARB SEND EMAIL TO "" REQUEST FORM - CLICK “HERE” For a PDF CLICK "HERE" For a DOCX Word File ARB Members: Chairman: Mark Beldon Teri Davis Randell Wright Jamie Day