About Us Avalon Beach Estates, established in 1994, is located on Scenic Gulf Drive in the westernmost part of Walton County, almost directly adjacent to the Okaloosa County line. Avalon Beach Estates consists of 129 residential lots approximately 94% of which have been built on. The Avalon Beach Estates Homeowners Association (HOA) is represented by a Board of Directors which is elected every year at the Annual Homeowners Meeting. Unlike most residential neighborhoods near the beach, Avalon is unique in that most of it’s residents live in their homes year round. Some residents like to come in the winter time along with the "Snowbirds." The properties are primarily single family, retirement type houses that people buy/build for the quiet atmosphere it presents. With no outlet onto US Highway 98, there is very little traffic in the neighborhood.
Avalon Beach Estates has a tennis court, two pickleball courts, a heated community pool and a 534 foot stretch of private beach that will never be built on.
There are 6 Streets in the neighborhood, all associated with King Arthur's Round Table. The names Avalon Beach Estates and Avalon Boulevard are derived from the legendary place where King Arthur's sword, Excalibur was forged and where he received it from the "Lady of the Lake." In the Welsh language, Avalon means "Isle of the Apples." The five other streets, cul-de-sac's in the neighborhood, Ballamore, Paginet, Alcolon, Tristam and Sagris were all named for five of the twelve knights of Arthur's Round Table. Note: Thanks for Sherry and Jim McDaniel for the research on the streets of Avalon.
The current annual assessment for Avalon Beach Estates is $1100.
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